Here is where you’ll find all our major documents related to research methods. Key understandings include:
Types of research methods
- Lab Experiment
- Field Experiment
- Quasi / Natural Experiment
- Correlational analysis
- Meta-analysis
- Survey
- Naturalistic observation
- Meta-analysis
- Interviews
- Pros and cons of each research method
- Ethics in research
- Qualitative Research Learning outcomes jigsaw
Other Key Concepts and Understandings
- Correlation vs causation
- Measures of central tendency
- Standard Deviation
- Mean / median / mode
- Independent vs. dependent variables and how to set up an experiment
- Sampling techniques
- Random
- Snowball
- Opportunity
Below, you’ll find documents to help you understand concepts regarding research methods in psychology:
Correlation vs. Causation: THE RED WINE MYSTERY
- Correlation WS — Do Larger Dorm Rooms make Happier College Kids?
Independent/dependent variables and control: COMING SOON
Experimental Design Practice: Design your own experiment!
Review of Major Concepts:
Reserach methods Cribsheet