Tag: ethics

Knowledge, Technology and Ethics: Censorship debate!

Knowledge, Technology and Ethics: Censorship debate!

Ethics is an element of the knowledge framework and in order to explore this element more deeply within the context of knowledge and technology, we will engage in a debate on the value of internet censorship. The claim we will debate is, “Social media companies 

Kill one to save 5? Torture one for utopia? Are acts inherently immoral or does the end justify the means?

Kill one to save 5? Torture one for utopia? Are acts inherently immoral or does the end justify the means?

As an introduction to ETHICS, go through the ethical situation simulation found HERE. Ensure you complete it! After you’ve finished the simulation, take note of your CONSISTENCY or lackthereof ! This is important as it will tell you if you’re an intellectual and moral hypocrite 

The Future is Now: World’s first CRISPR gene edited baby is born

The Future is Now: World’s first CRISPR gene edited baby is born

Read the article from The Atlantic linked HERE and answer the following questions: Were Dr. He’s actions ethical? How can you use this example in your essay?

Investigating the Moral Landscape: Knowledge systems, authority and a better way forward?

Investigating the Moral Landscape: Knowledge systems, authority and a better way forward?

Watch the above TED Talk by Sam Harris titled, “Science can answer moral questions” and consider the following:  Summarize his thesis in 1-3 sentences What are the strengths of Harris’ argument? What are the weaknesses of Harris’ argument? Ok, so lets say you agree with 

Understanding Deontological and Teleological approaches to ethics

Understanding Deontological and Teleological approaches to ethics

Download the learning helper linked here to facilitate your investigation and understanding of ethical systems: Ethics Jigsaw

Is tolerance the root of democracy’s Demise?

Is tolerance the root of democracy’s Demise?

Karl Popper, a famous Austrian philosopher of science from the 20th century put forth the thesis that too much tolerance is a bad thing.  Is it?  Watch the Vice Media coverage of the Charlottesville Neo-Nazi gathering/protest below and assess your position on tolerance and censorship:  

The Evolution Of Evil

The Evolution Of Evil

The Evolution of Evil:  Evolutionary biologists, especially those Darwinian in nature, believe that modern human behavior must have evolutionary origins. It would follow then, that our less desirable–EVIL–traits too have an evolutionary root. However why would these traits remain in our species if they were 

Heidegger vs. Reductionism

Heidegger vs. Reductionism

Martin Heidegger is considered by many to be the greatest philosopher of the 20th century and is a personal favorite of mine!  His work centers around existentialism, and specifically, phenomenology, an area of philosophy.  We’ll read Heidegger as we progress through the course, however reading 

Analyzing an Ethical Choice

Analyzing an Ethical Choice

Thus far in TOK, we have analyzed the following Ways of Knowing:  Perception Emotion Reason Language Your task, is to identify an Ethical Choice…this could be something real from your life like “not cheating on a test” or it could be something that is real 

Those Who Walk Away from Omelas: A meditation on the tyranny of democracy

Those Who Walk Away from Omelas: A meditation on the tyranny of democracy

After our conversations yesterday, I immediately thought of the short story, “Ones who walk away from Omelas” by Ursula Le Guin.  Read the story linked here: ones who walk away from omelas And then answer the following questions in your journal as “journal entry #3”: