Tag: inquirylearning

The Double Edged Sword of Nationalism

The Double Edged Sword of Nationalism

In order to understand the psychology of oppression as well as a social and psychological “push” of conflict both historically and contemporary, it is crucial to understand what is meant by the term “nationalism” Use this learning helper as well as the linked essay in 

Equality Summative Inquiry

Equality Summative Inquiry

As we conclude our mini unit on equality and our examination of the civil rights movement use the learning helper linked below to guide you through the inquiry process in regard to one of our essential questions or a question that you develop on your 

Emmett Till, the Tulsa Massacre, Birth of a Nation, the Little Rock 9, Brown v. Board, social psychology and factors contributing to equality

Emmett Till, the Tulsa Massacre, Birth of a Nation, the Little Rock 9, Brown v. Board, social psychology and factors contributing to equality

Your task is to complete the questions on the learning helper linked here that will require you to deploy past learning in the service of answering some of our key learning questions for this unit such as, “What does equality look like?” and “What factors 

Media, Culture and Equality

Media, Culture and Equality

Use the learning helper linked HERE titled, “Media, Culture and Equality” in order to analyze and reflect on the role of the media in increasing or decreasing cultural values and norms relating to equality in society as well as providing some background information on the 

Obstacles to Equality: Reflection on an essential Question

Obstacles to Equality: Reflection on an essential Question

Obstacles to Equality: What elements of society can create resistance to equality or prevent equality from obtaining? Your task is to utilize the learning helper linked below in order to reflect on and analyze this important essential question from our Equality unit! Obstacles to Equality 

What is the purpose of Government?

What is the purpose of Government?

Government. It has existed in some form since humans began living in large groups. It seems to be an inevitable component of society and yet it has undergone many different iterations throughout human history. Wars have been fought, lives ruined and humans killed in the