Tag: inquiryhistory

You Runnin on My Mind: A Forrest Gump Inquiry

You Runnin on My Mind: A Forrest Gump Inquiry

Forrest took us on a tour of US History from the 1950s to the end of the Cold War. Your task is to identify an event, scene, movement or moment in time from the film and investigate it more deeply! The inquiry description sheet is 

To Bomb or Not to Bomb?

To Bomb or Not to Bomb?

The use of nuclear weapons in battle has occurred only once in human history; when the United States used two atomic bombs against Japan. The motivation for this use was to end WW2 in the Pacific. Was this an appropriate use of these weapons? Was 

The Road to WW2, Appeasement, Morality and Ukraine

The Road to WW2, Appeasement, Morality and Ukraine

Download the following two learning helpers in order to educate your self and provide context for our discussion about foreign policy, War, appeasement and modern parallels to the Ukraine War The Road to War: Understanding Hitler and Germany’s path the Global War and the actions 

You Decide: Understanding Reconstruction and devising a path to Equality

You Decide: Understanding Reconstruction and devising a path to Equality

Although the victory of the North in the American Civil War was certainly a step towards equality, there was still much work to be done in the service of achieving true equality between blacks and whites in America. This crucial period of time after the 

A 500 Word Research Paper

A 500 Word Research Paper

Research papers are generally thought of as a long laborious tome. This need not be the case! Just as Saunders and Salinger could slay em with a few words, we too are going to demonstrate the power of brevity! Make a copy of the learning 

Methods of Oppression: How do governments oppress? A Historical Comparative Analysis

Methods of Oppression: How do governments oppress? A Historical Comparative Analysis

In order to better understand the role of government in oppression you are required to conduct a comparative analysis of governmental methodologies of oppression. This will not only require higher order critical thinking (comparative analysis) but also provide you insight regarding two of our essential 

Equality Summative Inquiry

Equality Summative Inquiry

As we conclude our mini unit on equality and our examination of the civil rights movement use the learning helper linked below to guide you through the inquiry process in regard to one of our essential questions or a question that you develop on your 

Tulsa Massacre Inquiry

Tulsa Massacre Inquiry

Use the learning helper linked HERE in order to work through a mini inquiry in response to the Tulsa Massacre Stimuli linked on the document. This learning activity will require you to work on your question asking skills as well as a brief evidence gathering 

Obstacles to Equality: Reflection on an essential Question

Obstacles to Equality: Reflection on an essential Question

Obstacles to Equality: What elements of society can create resistance to equality or prevent equality from obtaining? Your task is to utilize the learning helper linked below in order to reflect on and analyze this important essential question from our Equality unit! Obstacles to Equality 

Equality: Methods of oppression investigated: The Tulsa Massacre (1921)

Equality: Methods of oppression investigated: The Tulsa Massacre (1921)

Upon becoming “Free” black men and women in the united states were certainly not equal. In spite of the efforts of some members of the federal government to increase their equality by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1875 as well as the 13th and