Tag: thematicushistory

Necessary Rights: Understanding the Bill of Rights and Implications

Necessary Rights: Understanding the Bill of Rights and Implications

The right to protest is protected by the Constitution in amedments later added collectively called, “The Bill of Rights” These were proposed by James Madison and added in order to ensure protection of certain inalienable rights. Use the learning helper linked below to understand the 

What is Just?

What is Just?

In order to contemplate, analyze and answer many of our essential and guiding questions, we need to understand concepts of justice. After all, the goal of a government SHOULD be to create a “just” society. But the problem of course is that not everyone agrees 

Did US Cold War intervention alleviate or create oppression?

Did US Cold War intervention alleviate or create oppression?

In order to investigate the role of governments in creating or alleviating oppression, you will investigate one Cold War era US intervention: Korea, Iran, or Guatemala. Use the learning helper linked HERE which provides you with resources as well as questions designed to guide your 

Media, Culture and Equality

Media, Culture and Equality

Use the learning helper linked HERE titled, “Media, Culture and Equality” in order to analyze and reflect on the role of the media in increasing or decreasing cultural values and norms relating to equality in society as well as providing some background information on the 

Fight For Equality: Black Heroes of the Progressive Era

Fight For Equality: Black Heroes of the Progressive Era

As you’ve learned, there was much racism, oppression and violence in America after the Civil War perpetrated for the purpose of oppressing African Americans socially, politically and economically. Due to the fact it was clear few white people in power were willing to help, the 

What is the purpose of Government?

What is the purpose of Government?

Government. It has existed in some form since humans began living in large groups. It seems to be an inevitable component of society and yet it has undergone many different iterations throughout human history. Wars have been fought, lives ruined and humans killed in the