Tag: truth

How America Lost Its Mind: The history of belief trumping truth

How America Lost Its Mind: The history of belief trumping truth

Great question.  Is it? Do you believe that currently in our society, there is a stark (clear delineated) difference between belief and truth? Before we discuss that, YOU need to understand the difference. So, what is the difference between belief and truth?  For a much 

Conspiracies Examined: An investigation into how truth is constructed

Conspiracies Examined: An investigation into how truth is constructed

We’ve been discussing myth making via our reading of Sapiens as well as our recent examination of the myths that exist in our society. We’ve discovered that there is often a very fine line between what Harari would describe as MYTH and what our society 

Belief, Truth and the difference between the two

Belief, Truth and the difference between the two

In this course, a goal of ours will be to nurture within you the ability to look at all truth claims with a critical eye. This does not mean that my goal is to turn you into a perpetual contrarian as some believe is occurring: 

TOK Journal Collect #2: Your Thoughts Needed on the following…

TOK Journal Collect #2: Your Thoughts Needed on the following…

#6…..What is Truth?  Is truth possible? Lastly, does it even matter if something is true or not? #5….Consider a piece of culture…the movie HER for example, or Fight Club, or even another work of literature/philosophy…Thoreau’s Walden comes to mind…how does the creator of that cultural artifact