Tag: socialpsych

To Shoot an Elephant: Using Literature to understand Perspectives and behaviour

To Shoot an Elephant: Using Literature to understand Perspectives and behaviour

Read the short story entitled, “To Shoot an Elephant” By George Orwell and consider the questions at the end of the PDF, as well as the overarching questions, “How does emotion shape behaviour?” and “TWE does culture affect belief/behaviour?”

Understanding the Importance of Belonging

Understanding the Importance of Belonging

The KEY takeaway in Social Psychology is the innate need to belong. This desire to be a part of groups has a profound impact on our behaviour in both positive and negative ways. Use the linked investigative learning activity below in order to acquire research 

Immoral Inaction

Immoral Inaction

After watching, “The Accountant of Auschwitz” I want you now to apply your historical thinking to a modern context and consider the concept of “passive immorality.” Is it immoral to do nothing? This issue is at the heart of the Nazi War Crimes trials but 

How can you hate me when you don’t even know me?

How can you hate me when you don’t even know me?

Ending racism is certainly a beautiful goal and should be the goal of all civilized societies. However like most things worthwhile, doing so is much easier said than done! Your task is to watch the TED talk linked below in which Mr. Davis strives to 

Psych PBL: Investigating queries of societal quirks

Psych PBL: Investigating queries of societal quirks

Society is complex. As are humans. In order to navigate this complexity we turn to our ingroups for support, guidance and information. The fact that humans are social creatures with an innate need to belong makes us incredibly social, but it also makes it susceptible 

Social Psych Jeopardy !

Social Psych Jeopardy !

Review with your friends by playing some Social Psychology Jeopardy!! Linked HERE Justin Beiber Loves Jeopardy!

Culture Quiz!

Culture Quiz!

Culture QUIZ !!! HERE

PBL: A research based application: Increasing belonging at school

PBL: A research based application: Increasing belonging at school

This activity will require you to create a proposal for our prinipal and director in which you provide a a research based rationalization and action plan in regard to increasing a sense of belonging among students at our school! Link to activity here!   

Socio Cultural Level of Analysis: Test TIME!!

Socio Cultural Level of Analysis: Test TIME!!

The following are learning outcomes you should study for the SCLOA Unit Exam:  Discuss the  use of compliance techniques Evaluate research on conformity to group norms explain social learning theory making reference to two relevant studies Examine the role of two cultural dimensions on behavior 

You call that happy!? Cultural differences in Emotion

You call that happy!? Cultural differences in Emotion

Happiness. It seems like something that should be constant and consistent across cultures; however ETIC studies such as those by Dr. Tsai have indicated otherwise!  Read the great summary article below on her work at Stanford on culture, emotion and the role that culture plays