Tag: omelas

Oppression of the few for the benefit of the many…moral?

Oppression of the few for the benefit of the many…moral?

Is oppression of the few for the benefit of the many moral or good? You likely have an immediate intuitive response to this question however the learning activity below will require you to contemplate your response via reading the short story, “Those who walk away 

Would you walk away? Reflecting on a utilitarian utopia

Would you walk away? Reflecting on a utilitarian utopia

In order to have a shared intellectual framework and language for our work this year, it is important that you understand two basic Ethical & Moral philosophies: **UTILITARIANISM**DEONTOLOGICAL (KANTIAN) In order to better understand each of these philosophical perspectives, complete the following learning helper: KANTIAN 

Those Who Walk Away from Omelas: A meditation on the tyranny of democracy

Those Who Walk Away from Omelas: A meditation on the tyranny of democracy

After our conversations yesterday, I immediately thought of the short story, “Ones who walk away from Omelas” by Ursula Le Guin.  Read the story linked here: ones who walk away from omelas And then answer the following questions in your journal as “journal entry #3”: 

Introduction to Ethics

Introduction to Ethics

We’ve already discussed various questions that the Human Sciences concern themselves with. We discussed that many of these questions are “Normative” in nature…meaning they concern themselves with what humans OUGHT to do. Dilemmas of behavior that people face are referred to as MORAL DILEMMAS or