Tag: memory

The Dark Knight: Eyewitness testimony and Memory

The Dark Knight: Eyewitness testimony and Memory

You have been a witness to a crime perpetrated by the JOKER. The Gotham city police NEED YOU to help them catch the criminal and solve the crime! Use the POLICE REPORT linked HERE to help them get their man!

How Does Emotion Affect Cognition?

How Does Emotion Affect Cognition?

Flash Bulb Memories: One of the effects of emotion on cognition that we’ll study is the phenomena of “Flash Bulb Memories” The idea was first put forth by Brown and Kulik in 1977.   Download the PDF below to better understand Flash Bulb Memories and 

Would you Erase a Memory?

Would you Erase a Memory?

Opening the Door to Editing Memories:  New research at the BLOA may one day give us the option! Read the excellent article below that contains within it excellent research and background information regarding the role of biological processes in memory formation (interaction between physiology and 

Brain Localization

Brain Localization

“Examine one study related to localization of function in the brain” is a learning outcome in the biological level of analysis (BLOA). It is VERY important to understand that as Dr. LeDoux, Neuroscientist at NYU and director of the Emotional Brain Institute, says we must: