Tag: woks

Conspiracies Examined: An investigation into how truth is constructed

Conspiracies Examined: An investigation into how truth is constructed

We’ve been discussing myth making via our reading of Sapiens as well as our recent examination of the myths that exist in our society. We’ve discovered that there is often a very fine line between what Harari would describe as MYTH and what our society 

Oh! That’s Interesting!

Oh! That’s Interesting!

So.  You’re smart kids right?! RIGHT.  As smart kids, you of course LOVE reading interesting articles, thinking about them, and then sharing your new found thoughts, understandings and wonderings with your friends! Right!? Right. So, check out the thought provoking pieces below and choose 1 to 

Constructing Meaning: Analyzing Economics and Industrial Farming in the context of Capitalism

Constructing Meaning: Analyzing Economics and Industrial Farming in the context of Capitalism

Read the following two pieces of stimulus material and then respond to the accompanying questions in your TOK online Journal.  Read the following re: Economics:  http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/11/nobel-prize-economics-not-science-hubris-disaster Questions:   What WOKs do economists use to construct knowledge?  If their knowledge is unreliable, and they use the above 

The Matrix as Simulation Argument and Metaphor

The Matrix as Simulation Argument and Metaphor

Yes, watching the Matrix in TOK is definitely cliche, but whatever. It’s just too perfect for furthering our investigation of the Simulation Argument put forth by Philosopher Nick Bostrom of MIT. As well as serve as expanding our understanding of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave