Tag: healthpsych

Investigating Addiction: Understanding the role of dopamine, motivation and what we can do to help

Investigating Addiction: Understanding the role of dopamine, motivation and what we can do to help

Use the linked learning helper, Investigating addiction. When completed, you will understand the following:  Environmental factors in Addiction  Biological factors in Addiction  Treatment approaches

Application of Knowledge: Designing a Health Promotion PSA !

Application of Knowledge: Designing a Health Promotion PSA !

You’re lucky; you got to take IB psychology and learn all about BioPsychoSocial factors of healthy living and the risk factors associated with unhealthy living! But now you have to DO something with that knowledge! your task (assigned linked below) is to create a research 

Understanding Models of Healthy Behaviour; and practicing critical thinking in an IB context

Understanding Models of Healthy Behaviour; and practicing critical thinking in an IB context

The goal of psychology is to use the discipline’s body of knowledge to increase human happiness and wellness thus it is important to understand how we can leverage that knowledge to do so. Health Behaviour Models are one way of understanding the elements of human 

Analyzing AA: Evaluating treatment programs

Analyzing AA: Evaluating treatment programs

Read the incredibly interesting Atlantic article titled, “The Irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous” linked here: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/04/the-irrationality-of-alcoholics-anonymous/386255/ While reading, fill out the following chart: AA Analyzed with the the goal of addressing the learning outcome, “Examine prevention strategies and treatments for substance abuse and addictive behavior”

Exercise mitigates stress…but why?

Exercise mitigates stress…but why?

Utilize the resources below with the goal of answering the question posed by this post! Read this post from the American Psychological Association (APA) discussing the ways in which exercise can decrease the physiological effects of stress http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/exercise-stress.aspx Watch this quick discussion by Dr. Thompson at UCLA 

Shrink your plate to shrink your stomach: Research on anchoring and the social effects on eating

Shrink your plate to shrink your stomach: Research on anchoring and the social effects on eating

  Some amazing studies have been conducted by Brian Wansink, professor at Cornell University and Author of the book, “Mindless Eating.”  His famous, “endless soup” bowl study is linked below and illustrates the role of visual cues in hunger.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15761167 His equally famous “chinese buffet” 

Rat Park: An incredibly interesting experiment on the social and cognitive factors of addiction

Rat Park: An incredibly interesting experiment on the social and cognitive factors of addiction

http://www.stuartmcmillen.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/2013-05-en-Rat-Park-01.png http://www.stuartmcmillen.com/comics_en/rat-park/ Read and document the above study (click the picture) on societal factors of addiction! It’s really incredible! But makes intuitive sense! After reading, answer the following questions: What social psychology principals come to mind while contemplating the results of the study? What other 

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

A Healthy Mind can often lead to a healthy body and certainly vice versa due to the bi-directionality of wellness.  Your task is to understand the cognitive, social and Physiological factors of obesity and then design a prevention program grounded in psychological rationale and research.  

Stress Understood

Stress Understood

Complete the Stress Understood Learning Helper below and we’ll work on Coping Strategies next class! Health Psychology – stress response