Tag: knowledgequestions

A how to guide to knowledge question creation

A how to guide to knowledge question creation

Writing, and answering, knowledge questions in a lucid and effective manner is a core skill of the TOK course. Use the learning helper linked below to aide you in these skills! A How To Guide to Knowledge Question Formulation

Understanding How to write knowledge questions

Understanding How to write knowledge questions

Understanding how to recognize and write knowledge claims and knowledge questions are key skills in TOK! This skill however is novel to most students and thus takes some getting used to! In order to facilitate your understanding of how to do this, work through the 

Knowledge. Questions.

Knowledge. Questions.

Knowledge questions are a crucial component of the TOK curriculum.  Fluency in their construction is necessary for high achievement on both the presentation and essay components of the TOK program. So, in order to practice creating knowledge questions, you’ll go through the following exercise. This