Tag: plato

Understanding the French Revolution via Allegory

Understanding the French Revolution via Allegory

An allegory is an extended analogy designed to articulate information. There have been many famous allegories throughout history such as George Orwell’s Animal Farm, a cautionary allegory about the rise of soviet style communism. The Greek philosopher Plato used an allegory to explain his meta-physics via his 

MLK Vs. Socrates:  A philosophical evaluation of Civil Disobedience

MLK Vs. Socrates: A philosophical evaluation of Civil Disobedience

Last class, we had a great discussion regarding the Platonic dialogue, “Crito” as an examination of Reason. However through the course of that conversation, we examined Socrates’ arguments rationalizing his decision to accept his punishment of death. Plato writes: “It is not just for you 

Plato’s Dialogue:  Crito

Plato’s Dialogue: Crito

In our study of Reason, we discussed its reliability as a way of knowing and the degree to which Western intellectual thought (and Reason as a whole) owes much to Socrates and Plato. Thus, we’re going to take the time to read one of Plato’s