Tag: knowledgeframework

Understanding the Knowledge Framework

Understanding the Knowledge Framework

The “Knowledge Framework” is a methodology for analyzing AOKs by breaking them up into smaller understandable chunks. Once one understands how this framework operates within one AOK, they can perform a similar analysis on another and then conduct comparative analysis between the two. Conducting this 

Understanding How to write knowledge questions

Understanding How to write knowledge questions

Understanding how to recognize and write knowledge claims and knowledge questions are key skills in TOK! This skill however is novel to most students and thus takes some getting used to! In order to facilitate your understanding of how to do this, work through the 

The Natural Sciences: Evaluating knowledge construction and validity

The Natural Sciences: Evaluating knowledge construction and validity

In order to better understand the strengths and limitations of the Natural Sciences: Engage in the following two activities below! Scientists have always been, and will always be, limited by their own knowledge and their available tools of measurement. This is a major limitation of