The Body Ritual of the Nacirema

The Body Ritual of the Nacirema

Read this description of the Nacirema linked here as a way of analyzing language and context

Myth Making in a Post Modern World

Myth Making in a Post Modern World

As you read in Sapiens (File linked below), Harari contends that myths are necessary in order for humans to live in large groups cohesively. He contends that until we had myth making, we remained living in small clans of extended families. So myths certainly serve 

Unpacking the TOK Essay Titles!

Unpacking the TOK Essay Titles!

A HUGE part of the TOK essay writing PROCESS is “unpacking” the title. This process can be used to help you choose which title you want to write on as well as serve as the CRUCIAL first step of writing your final essay! Our process 

Perspective Taking: Analyzing the origin of personal perspectives on controversial issues via case studies

Perspective Taking: Analyzing the origin of personal perspectives on controversial issues via case studies

Arguments arise from 2 or more individuals holding a different PERSPECTIVE on a given issue or topic. As you all know from experience, having an argument can be quite frustrating when you feel that the other person does not understand where you are coming from. 

Methods Exhibition Summative

Methods Exhibition Summative

The best way to get better at IB Assessments is to practice IB ASSESSMENTS!!! Thus your summative task for this mini unit of Scope / Methods is to curate another Exhibition!!! (cue DJ Horn sample). The link to your intellectual party is below: Scope / 

Methodologial MashUP

Methodologial MashUP

Methods and Tools is a very important element of the knowledge framework that we will focus on via the collaborative work linked below! Methodological MashUP

The Avengers = Trash: Understanding Logical Fallacies

The Avengers = Trash: Understanding Logical Fallacies

Arguments are a huge part of life. You can’t likely go 3 hours without someone trying to convince you of….something. Therefore, it is important that you have the skills to recognize when an argument is Valid and when it is just noise designed to distract 

Dopamine and Behaviour: Neuro Rap Resources

Dopamine and Behaviour: Neuro Rap Resources

Research on Dopamine to be used for your neuro raps below!!! Dopamine and motivation and drug use Dopamine and Happiness Dopamine and Impulsive behaviour

A how to guide to knowledge question creation

A how to guide to knowledge question creation

Writing, and answering, knowledge questions in a lucid and effective manner is a core skill of the TOK course. Use the learning helper linked below to aide you in these skills! A How To Guide to Knowledge Question Formulation

Truth, Lies and Perspectives in History

Truth, Lies and Perspectives in History

There can be lies in history. Take for example Russia’s tweet this year refuting the FACT that they invaded Poland in September, 1939. Or the lie that Trump had more people at his inauguration than Obama. Then there are falsehoods created by different VERSIONS of