Necessary Rights: Understanding the Bill of Rights and Implications

Necessary Rights: Understanding the Bill of Rights and Implications

The right to protest is protected by the Constitution in amedments later added collectively called, “The Bill of Rights” These were proposed by James Madison and added in order to ensure protection of certain inalienable rights. Use the learning helper linked below to understand the 

What is Just?

What is Just?

In order to contemplate, analyze and answer many of our essential and guiding questions, we need to understand concepts of justice. After all, the goal of a government SHOULD be to create a “just” society. But the problem of course is that not everyone agrees 

Exam TIME! Stuff you should know

Exam TIME! Stuff you should know

It’s final exam time! That means you need to engage in the annual rite of passage: Cramming. I’m joking of course! We don’t NEED to cram because we learned everything conceptually and therefore have totality of comprehension. But just in case, I’ve created this “study 

A 500 Word Research Paper

A 500 Word Research Paper

Research papers are generally thought of as a long laborious tome. This need not be the case! Just as Saunders and Salinger could slay em with a few words, we too are going to demonstrate the power of brevity! Make a copy of the learning 

OPCVL Peer Feedback Experience

OPCVL Peer Feedback Experience

Providing peer feedback is one of the most effective and efficient ways to learn! Use the document linked HERE to guide you through providing your classmate with feedback regarding their most recent OPCVL document analysis activity

Lit & History: How to tell a True War Story

Lit & History: How to tell a True War Story

Download and read the award winning short story by author Tim O’Brien linked below. While reading, consider the following questions: 1) At the end of the first page O’Brien writes: “A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor 

Did US Cold War intervention alleviate or create oppression?

Did US Cold War intervention alleviate or create oppression?

In order to investigate the role of governments in creating or alleviating oppression, you will investigate one Cold War era US intervention: Korea, Iran, or Guatemala. Use the learning helper linked HERE which provides you with resources as well as questions designed to guide your 

Methods of Oppression: How do governments oppress? A Historical Comparative Analysis

Methods of Oppression: How do governments oppress? A Historical Comparative Analysis

In order to better understand the role of government in oppression you are required to conduct a comparative analysis of governmental methodologies of oppression. This will not only require higher order critical thinking (comparative analysis) but also provide you insight regarding two of our essential 

Oppression of the few for the benefit of the many…moral?

Oppression of the few for the benefit of the many…moral?

Is oppression of the few for the benefit of the many moral or good? You likely have an immediate intuitive response to this question however the learning activity below will require you to contemplate your response via reading the short story, “Those who walk away 

The Double Edged Sword of Nationalism

The Double Edged Sword of Nationalism

In order to understand the psychology of oppression as well as a social and psychological “push” of conflict both historically and contemporary, it is crucial to understand what is meant by the term “nationalism” Use this learning helper as well as the linked essay in